Forest Park Education Summit 2024




The D91 Family and Community Engagement ensemble is proud to host the 1st annual educational summit; The Village We Choose: Strengthening Family Bond through Connection and Community. Attendees will be able to experience a keynote speaker, breakout sessions and hands on experiences that empower caregivers as they support their youth. 

Primary goals or purposes of the educational summit are to:

  1. Offer an opportunity for families to learn from experts in the field of education and child/youth development.

  2. Create opportunities for attendees to exchange ideas, experiences and build connections to better support their children.

  3. Connect families and caregivers to community resources and organizations that may benefit their families both educationally and social-emotionally.

  4. Attendees will leave equipped with strategies and resources to positively impact their families in their everyday lives.


(What You Can Expect)

This year's education summit offers a wide range of opportunities for families/caregivers and community members to participate in impactful workshop sessions to support-based networking groups. Through this experience, attendees will be engaged and become empowered to make new and lasting connections to assist in their families personal and educational journeys.


Enhance your skills and knowledge through interactive and solution-driven learning opportunities. Choose from an array of workshop topics tailored to help you meet your personal and family educational goals.


Chat directly with the local businesses and community partners about services offered to children and families in the areas ranging from academic support to summer recreational activities.


Throughout the summit, you and fellow attendees will have time to connect with families of similar interest, community partners and surrounding school district administrators. Attendees will also have a chance to join D91 Affinity Groups that foster an environment for families to exchange ideas, share expertise and similar experiences.





Check In / Breakfast


Opening Remarks


Resource Fair


Session 1


Session 2


Lunch/Keynote Address


Closing Remarks & Raffles


Session One: 10:00am-10:45am

That’s happening with Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) in District 91?

Room: 271

Presenters: D91 Staff - Dr. Elizabeth Alvarez, Patricia Allocco and Victoria Egizio

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) in District 91 workshop will provide participants with information about what PBIS looks like in D91 at the district and building levels. We will review goals, resources, and each building’s committee commitments and achievements so far this year. Participants will be able to see examples of “Cool Tool” lessons, the Draft Caregiver Version of the district’s PBIS handbook, and ask questions to the trainers.

Meeting Chaos with Calm: Providing Co-Regulation When Children and Adolescents Need It Most

Room: 122

Presenters: Urban Wellness Counseling - Amy Johnston, LCSW, Clinical Director at Urban Wellness Counseling, and Julia Jordan-Lake, MA, LCPC

As therapists, we are constantly needing to quickly assess and implement strategies to model, foster, and maintain calm within a matter of seconds. In the therapy world, we call this “co-regulation”. For parents, caregivers, and teachers, this is just another day. As youth of all ages continue to adjust to the impacts of COVID-19 and beyond, co-regulation is more important than ever. In this workshop, families will learn best practices on how to cultivate co-regulation in their day-to-day lives.

Executive Function Support: Building Independence with Kids & Teens

Room: Library

Presenters: Imagination Therapy PLLC - Katherine Wilkie, M.S. CCC-SLP

This will be a brief introduction to the basic concepts of executive function (EF) and the subdomains (attention, initiation, persistence, metacognition, goal writing, editing, etc.). We identify good first steps and goals to build EF both externally supporting and building independent growth. Closing with a voluntary and open forum for Q&A and specific case questions.

Creating Safer Swimmers Sooner with Free and Accessible Tips, Tricks & Routines

Room: 128

Presented by: CAST Water Safety Foundation - Liz Huber

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4 but it doesn't have to be. Join educator, self-rescue swim instructor and self-rescue swim parent Liz Huber to learn the stats and circumstances that surround childhood drowning and what you can do to make sure your child is as safe as possible in and around the water.

Helping Families Save On the Cost of a College Education

Room: 273

Presenters: Everett Wealth - Chris Everett

Helping families save on the cost of a college education, improve retirement savings outlook and avoid excessive student loan debt . . . is our passion. Fortunately, there are rules-based strategies to help reduce the cost of college. In this workshop, families will learn how their family can utilize these rules to reduce college costs may also help you to increase what’s possible for your retirement.

Supporting Your Student(s) on State Assessments: Understanding IAR Testing

Room: STEAM Lab

Presenters: James Edler- Director of Learning and Innovation and D91 Academic Coaches

Description: This session will help you to understand the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in terms of what is expected of students. Participants will examine sample test items and investigate how students' classroom learning aligns to the expectations of the IAR. Additionally, we will explore learning tools and resources available for students to use at home throughout the year. tools and resources available for students to use at home throughout the year.

Session Two: 11:00am-11:45am

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Room: 128

Presented by: Sarah’s Inn - Olivia Paplaczyk

How do teens experience intimate partner violence differently than adults? Learn about how teens can be impacted by dating violence and the unique challenges and barriers they may encounter. We will discuss dating and domestic violence amongst youth, as well as harassment, sexual assault, digital abuse, and tips for healthy relationships.

It's OK, to Not Be OK: Normalizing Students Asking for Help

Room: Library

Presented by: Renewal Comprehensive Services, LLC - Dr. Leslie Ford

Students face a range of familial, academic, and social stressors which can often be overwhelming for them to navigate independently. The weight of these issues may cause students to say they are “OK” even when they are not.

Maintaining effective communication; modeling healthy coping skills; and removing barriers to seeking support are invaluable skills for families and educators. This workshop is designed for anyone invested in learning how to support students in developing healthy skills which will enable them to thrive and reach their full potential.

Gestalt Language Processing: A language approach for school and for home

Room: 271

Presented by - POP Pediatrics - Krissy Baker, MS, CCC-SLP

Gestalt Language Processing is a method of accessing language using a “top-down” approach. Most caregivers and teachers introduce language to children using a “bottom-up”, or analytical, approach. This mismatch of communication can leave our GLP processors out in the cold. They may demonstrate silence, limited communication attempts, social withdrawal, and be at risk for bullying and manipulation.

This workshop will offer an overview of recognizing a child who is a gestalt language processor and introduce approaches to achieve full linguistic autonomy.

Introduction to Poster My Wall

Room: STEAM Lab

Presented by: Forest Park D91 Science Teacher - Mr. Joseph Almaoui

In this interactive workshop, caregivers will learn about the program Poster My Wall and how to create advertisements ads to promote their business and other ventures.

Board of Education 101: An Introduction for Aspiring Members

Room: 122

Presented by: Forest Park Board of Education - Steven Rummel and Kyra Tyler

Understand the Fundamental Role and Responsibilities of School Board Members: Participants will learn about the essential duties of board members, including setting visions, policies, and goals for educational districts.

Grasp the Operational Dynamics of the School Board: Attendees will gain insights into how school boards function as governing bodies, including decision-making processes, the importance of transparency, and the division of responsibilities between the board and administration. Recognize the Importance and Function of Committees within the Board: Participants will understand the various committees' roles in detail-oriented tasks, policy recommendations, and the overall decision-making process.

Learn the Process for Becoming a Board Member: Attendees will be briefed on the steps to join a Board of Education, covering eligibility, the nomination process, and the importance of community engagement and representation.



CAST Forest Park

Community Center

Forest Park Cub Scouts Pack 109


Forest Park Public Library

POP Pediatric Therapy

Let's Play Work


Sarah's Inn

Urban Wellness Counseling

The Firehouse Dream


University of Illinois Extension 4H youth Development


RUSH University Medical Center


Collaboration for Early Childhood

Forest Park Fire

Forest Park District 91 School Board


Howard Mohr Community Center


Park District of Forest Park


School of Rock- Oak Park


The Loft @ 8 Corners


The Giving Tree Daycare Center


Forest Park BSA Troop 107


Forest Park Police Department

Lets Pla

Imagination Therapy LLC


Pop! Pediatric Therapy


Schoolhouse Kitchen + Studio


Trinity High School


Urban Wellness

Collaboration for Early Childhood

Family Shelter Service

FP Police

Forest Park D91 PTO


Legacy Sports Camp


Riveredge Hospital


The Arc of Illinois


University of Illinois Extension


Loyola Medicine