Returning Students Online Registration
Once you have logged in to the Infinite Campus portal, click on More and then the Online Registration Tool in the portal.

Select the registration year and begin the registration process. (You must be a parent or legal guardian to complete registration)
You will need to review any existing information and update as necessary.
There are 5 areas to complete the process: Student(s) Primary Household, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Contact, Other Household and Student Information.

If request you will need three documents to verify residency; one from Category A, and two from Category B. You will also need telephone numbers for two Emergency Contacts, names of any medications or medical conditions for your student(s), and a copy of a current physical if they are entering Kindergarten or 5th grade.

After each tab, click on the Save/Continue button and move on to the next tab. You will not have access to the next tab until all required information is completed.
Confirm Household information for the student on the first tab, including uploads of residency documentation and signing a district verification form. Once the Household tab is completed move on to the Parent/Guardian section. Update all contact information for 1 or 2 parents/guardians.
The next tab is for Emergency Contact information for people who do not live in the household. Other Household refers to any other children who live in the home who may not be attending Forest Park Public Schools because they are too young or attending school elsewhere. This section is optional.
The final tab is for gathering demographic information for the individual students and for registering the student(s) who will be attending Forest Park Public School District 91. You must know what school and grade level the student will be attending in 2023-24.

Click on Edit/Review for each student to confirm or update information for that student.
Please visit each section under each student and verify and complete.
Demographics--Confirm birthdate and enrollment grade and school for 2023-24
Race Ethnicity--Confirm
Housing--If you are in a temporary living situation, please answer the questions accordingly, we are able to offer support if needed.
Student Services--Confirm data regarding IEP/504 Plan. Any questions? Contact Kateia Bell or email
Health Services--Please confirm, add or remove any expired data
Release Agreements--Please read the Technology Acceptable Use Policy, SOPPA Compliance Letter, and the Parent/Student Handbook, and sign.
Once you have completed all the tabs you may review the application summary and return to any section you need to edit or click submit.
A notification will be sent to the school secretaries notifying them of your student(s) registration form to review. You will also receive an email confirmation that the form was received.
A staff member will review and verify residency documents and other household information. If any documents will expire before the school year begins, the application will be put on hold until updated documents are submitted before the start of school. Once the status of an application is changed by the school staff member, you will receive another email with any comments from the school regarding your application.
Once approved all data from the application will be uploaded into Infinite Campus. If there are changes to your contact information at any time, please contact the school.